Manisha, who retired from Bollywood after a sudden marriage in 2010 to Nepali businessman Samrat Dahal who she reportedly met and dated on Facebook, surfaced again in Bollywood this year. The actress, who made some forgettable films lately, looked a sad and sorry shadow of her former gorgeous self; she was grossly overweight, and appeared to be battling other demons in her life besides her poor and indifferent health.
After her marriage didn’t work (at least, unofficially), Manisha Koirala was trying to make a comeback in Bollywood. Producer and director Ram Gopal Varma is making her wish come true with the remake of a horror movie. Fans of Manisha had been curious on the role of Manisha in her upcoming horror movie. Ram Gopal explained that, Manisha will be featured in the movie as a mother of two kids.
After her marriage didn’t work (at least, unofficially), Manisha Koirala was trying to make a comeback in Bollywood. Producer and director Ram Gopal Varma is making her wish come true with the remake of a horror movie. Fans of Manisha had been curious on the role of Manisha in her upcoming horror movie. Ram Gopal explained that, Manisha will be featured in the movie as a mother of two kids.