After the demise of his first wife, Hari Bansha got married for the second time with Ramila Pathak couple of days back. With an interview with Annapurna post, this is what he has to say about his marriage
Q: How did you decide on getting married again?
This is due to the situation and the circumstances. My younger son Mohit and Ramila's son are friends and they started talking about our marriage in the beginning. It is due to Basundhara didi and Madan Krishna dai that I have decided to get married.
Q: What was your thoughts and opinion about your marriage?
First of all, I didn't do anything that I wasn't supposed to do. Living alone is tough and challenging. One who has gone through this ordeal can only empathize me. I still have a long life ahead of me and there is so much I have to do. To live alone rest of my life would be really hard that is why I have decided to remarry again. If I was too old then probably I wouldn't have gotten married again.
Q: How was it like to live that 14 months after the demise of Meera Bhauju?
For quite some time I was constantly thinking about her. However, it is almost impossible to live like that. No matter what life goes on and I have to work. Madan Dai and bhauju tried a lot to convince me. I used to alone at home and lots of unwanted thoughts used to come to my mind. At that point I realized its very important to have a life partner till the rest of my life.
Q: How did you meet with Ramila Bhauju?
I used to lost in my own thoughts after the demise of my first wife. Nothing seemed and looked interesting. It was as if there were no colors to my life. One time during the film shooting I was sitting alone lost in my own thoughts. Basundhara didi was also present there and suggested me to marry again looking at my condition. After that she introduced me to Ramila . Then we started talked and got a good vibe from her and got married.
Q: How was the marriage like?
The wedding took place and Ramila's sister house. The whole process was completed in 19 minutes.
Q: How come Madan Dai was not there during your wedding?
He was in Thailand at the time. We used to talk a lot about the wedding and he gave his blessings over the phone. He played a vital role to make this wedding happen.
Q: Why did you get married secretly?
I invited few people that are close to me. I didn't think it would be appropriate to do a big fat wedding.
Q: Did you think of Meera Bhauju while putting Sindhur?
I did. In fact a lot. I have now considered as a god. She is no more with us and that is why I looked at her photo and asked for her blessings.
Q: How are you feeling right now?
I have to say I am happy.
Q: How about your sons?
Elder son, Trilok, is in US. He couldn't come. However, my younger son Mohit was very happy.
Q: What are people saying about your second marriage?
I know I haven't done anything wrong. So far I have received positive feedback. It would have been completely wrong If I had remarried while Meera was still alive.
I believe he has full right to do whatever he wants in his life...Who are we to say if he did wrong or right. His sons are happy, he is happy , his new wife and her family is happy ,pretty much everyone is Happy so we have to be happy as well.
I am really impressed by his and his new wife's sons decision to get them married. Not everyone can do it for their parents. Half of the time people waste their life thinking about what the society is going to say and how people going to react. Hats off to their kids for thinking about their parents!!!. I hope and pray both of them have a great married life ahead.
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